Saturday, November 26, 2011

Book Review: Mercy Come Morning

Lisa Bergren takes you on a journey into the land of Alzheimer patients and the journey of Krista Mueller to find her mother. In the process Krista has to overcome many memories that defined her childhood and forgive her mother for "allowing" things to happen. Do you have someone you haven't forgiven for a wrong you deemed happened to you? Are your relations with your mom and dad good? This book will make you take a serious look at your life and how you are living. Are you forgiving or holding grudges? Are you working through pain and suffering to get to the other side? For Krista, her breakthrough was with her mother's journal. She finally realized the source of her pain and the role her mother truly played in that pain.

Bergren takes you along a path that is winding and fun to travel. As I finished this book, I immediately called my mom to tell her I loved her. Who do you think you will call? Read it, it's well worth the time invested.

And if I ever have Alzheimer's disease, I can only hope there is a place like Cimarron for me to live.

NOTE: I received this book as a free review copy from Waterbrook Multnomah. Mercy Come Morning: A Novel

Monday, November 21, 2011

Indeliable - Kristen Heitzmann

I just finished Indeliable, Kristen Heitzmann's latest novel. Kristen knocked it out of the park yet again. What a fantastic novel! Good versus evil, who will win? Who is coming after Trevor and what will they do to get him? The writing was great, detailed and full of suspense. My favorite kind of writing - suspense with a little romance. I was a little disappointed in the ending seemed kind of abrupt but all in all a fantastic read.

Definitely would recommend this one!!!

If you get a chance and read this book. Let me know what you thought of it...Would love to hear!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Book Review - Blood Covenant

Michael Franzese was a made mobster who has decided to serve another family. The family of God! His story is amazing and a great testimony to our loving Father. This is definitely worth the read!

Blood Covenant: The Michael Franzese StoryBlood Covenant: The Michael Franzese Story by Michael Franzese

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a great story of our forgiving Father! Michael Franzese was a made mobster and he found Christianity through the love of a woman who has stood by him now for 17 years. Amazing how God can change a life, definitely worth the time to read.

View all my reviews

Friday, December 24, 2010

Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball

This week I received my complementary copy of Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball. I was excited to review my first book for Waterbrook Multnomah however when I started the book I thought what did I order. Within the first chapter Ms. Paul brings you into a world of mystery, wizardry and fun. She helps you to experience the pain of judgement that accompanies many Christians. I completely related to this as I struggle with judgement of those who aren't Christians or who are Christians that aren't living the way I think they should. I found myself nodding along with Cora as she thought, knowing judgement is wrong however I couldn't stop it.

When Ms. Paul introduced the Wizerbotterdad's and Botterbaw sisters I found myself smiling. These intriguing characters show you the true meaning of love and Christmas without judging anyone for where they are in life. They continue to build the characters up while attending to their own agendas. As you read of their antics you are smiling at their mischievousness and hoping for the best for Cora and Simon.

I found the combination of wizardry and Christianity quite refreshing. At first I was taken aback by this combination however Ms. Paul truly spins a wonderful story of the wizened guiding those who need guidance. She shows how being a Christian doesn't mean you know it all and that there is always someone guiding you along the path set before you. She takes how we all talk ourselves into emotional responses to situations, and shows us how God brings others into our lives to guide us. God uses those who are wiser to show us the path He has set before us.

Two tickets was an amazing journey using unusual characters to help you regain your Christmas Spirit and find God's path for your life again. This book is worth taking a chance on to see where God takes you this Christmas season!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball

Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball

I'm very excited to read my first book in blogging for books series. Here is a teaser video for you to view and look for my review as soon as I finish the book.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Leaving and Cleaving

How do you become one? Especially when you both have baggage galore coming into the relationship. You have been married before, maybe even children are a part of the mix. How do you redefine friendships? What is the best way to become one with your new spouse in a world where maintaining individuality is "essential"? Well you throw away everything you had and let God lead the relationship. Yep, that means friendships will be redefined, parenting will be redefined, individuality will be redefined. And guess what it's all good!!!

Have you ever heard friends say things like well, she's got a boyfriend so we won't see her anymore? Well that's because that friend is practicing the leaving and cleaving and redefining her friendships because of her boyfriend. I don't know if I agree with doing this for a boyfriend but once you have committed to your husband then I believe the leaving and cleaving begins. Now don't get me wrong this doesn't mean leave your friends high and dry. This means you will redefine your friendships because you will always put your husband first. You don't get to go partying with your friends every Friday night now. You do get to meet them for lunch or dinner occasionally. You don't get to spend all day on Saturday with the girlfriends at the movies and shopping but you can spend 2 hours shopping with them. It's a give and take to find the balance that will work for you and your husband. I know some will say, I never see my friend Karen anymore. But in reality they do, just on a different timetable because my everything goes to my husband. This is how you leave and cleave. Your friends will get used to it and be happy for the times they can spend with you. And believe me your guilt will dissipate too because in the end you are honoring the commitment you made before God, your husband and your family.

Remember the line of commitment God, Husband, Children, You, Family, Friends. Your best goes to God and your immediate family.

Peace and Love to you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Love's Motivation

It is amazing what motivates love. I have no idea why God loves me other than He made me. I mean really I sin all the time with my words and thoughts. I try but fail many times over. Then I think about the love my husband has for me. I have no idea why he loves me other than he chose me. I mean really I say things that are hurtful and I don't make life easy. Sometimes I'm even a nag of sorts. So what motivates the love we share. I believe it's the love I have for God.

Do you ever notice when you are in a bad mood and you hang out with someone in a good mood how your mood lifts? Do you ever notice when you don't want to smile but someone tells a good joke, you laugh anyway? Well it's the same principal, when I show my love for God then my husband's love for me grows. Just like when he shows his love for God then my love for my husband grows. There is nothing more loving than sitting down to dinner and holding my husbands hand while he prays over the meal. I mean that makes me love him more even if we just had a disagreement. My heart just melts. Love begets love. So if you are wondering if your spouse loves you maybe you should look at how you are loving God and displaying that love. Love's motivation is God! Amazing huh?

Blessings to you this week!